What if your Amazon PPC advertisements provided a passive income stream that sold your books while you went for a walk, all from the comfort of your home and in just 10 minutes a day?
Discover the Amazon Ads PPC system for authors that takes you from marketing purgatory to cashing checks while you sleep.

Expanded and Updated!
See the results my students are getting . . .

Chuck Buda
The Debt Collector series
Amazon Ads Liftoff: 7-Day Challenge has made an enormous impact on my self-publishing business. Dan shared personal examples, showing real data and explaining how he arrived at his conclusions. Within days, I saw drastic improvements in my statistics. Check out my month over month progress since following in Dan’s footsteps:
Month 1
Sales Increase: 53%
KENP Increase: 26%
Month 2
Sales Increase: 1,107% (that’s NOT a typo)
KENP Increase: 1,273% (again, NOT a typo)
Month 3
Sales Increase: 39%
KENP Increase: 63%
After eight years of struggling to find readers, I am now building a fan base of paying customers. I highly recommend authors take advantage of Dan’s expertise. It takes work, but Dan has shown me the way to drive greater revenue from my books. Don’t let your books suffer in obscurity. Take the challenge now!
See my results from Amazon advertising . . .

Dan Padavona
Hi. I’m Dan Padavona, writing coach, author entrepreneur, founder of “The Author’s Mindset”, and the bestselling author of over two dozen novels. I’m pumped to help you build your writing business and elevate you to the next level with Amazon PPC advertising.

I always believed I was destined to impact in the world through creativity.
Whether it was through music, science, or something I else – I didn’t know. But I knew I wanted my life to have meaning and purpose.
So I did all the “right” things.
I went to school, stayed out of trouble, got good grades, and then was blessed enough to go to college. Twice.
After graduation I got a “good job” working for NOAA, married the best woman I know, and tried my best to be a hard working, productive citizen and father.
But years of working an “adult career” made me feel trapped, suffocating under endless shift work and holidays stuck at my job.
If I was lucky, I had evenings and weekends with my family, but Mondays came around too fast and I dreaded them.
Literally I would lie in bed and toss and turn, knowing I had to wake up early, fight over the bathroom, and drive on icy roads to reach work on time.
I fantasized that I could clone myself and send him to work while I slept in and enjoyed time with my loved ones.
I wanted to wake up in the morning on my terms (not by an alarm) and not have to report to a place where the government abused its work force and placed unreasonable expectations on everyone.
Around 2013 I began to hear about authors self-publishing stories on Amazon and retiring off their earnings.
How cool would it be to make a living doing something I love, entertaining people, and all from the comfort of my home or my favorite coffee shop?!
That appealed to me because I wanted to work less so I could spend time with my wife and kids. You know, eat breakfast like a human being, take them to dance and sports, be home for dinner?
Having that kind of flexibility would be worth it – even if I didn’t make any more money than I was making at my “real job”.
But that’s the thing – these authors were making 6 figures, some even 7 figures!
So they had flexibility AND high incomes!
And all the while, creating stories in genres they enjoyed.
Now maybe you too have thought about retiring off your writing and saying goodbye to the grind forever. Perhaps you thought advertising with Amazon would get you to the promised land.
But the reality is a lot more daunting, and there’s just too much information out there (much of it conflicting). It makes you want to throw your hands up and give up.
It’s much easier to just keep doing what you’re doing, working your 9-5 and living your life the best you can.
I’m here to tell you that it’s not your fault.
Writing Success as it’s sold “out there” is a myth.
Here’s the general premise:
Step 1: Write a book. Hopefully a book in a genre that actually has readers.
Step 2: Start your website, blog, and make videos on YouTube and TikTok (oh, and start a podcast while you’re at it. You have all the time in the world!)
Step 3: Run a few promos with authors who, like you, have tiny mailing lists.
Step 4: Tell the world about your book, and sign up to advertise on Amazon.
Step 5: Once you have a few hundred readers, just sit back and collect the monthly earnings. Easy, isn’t it?
Step 6: Take a year off, live at the beach, and watch all the money flow into your bank account.
Step 7: If you ever need to crank it up and sell more books, just buy some Facebook Ads.
What nonsense!
Just randomly creating ads or making videos isn’t a strategy. There are over 5 billion videos watched on YouTube each DAY!
And WHO should you target your book to in the first place?
Look, my friend, successful advertising isn’t a magic trick. It’s a business. It takes work.
But it takes strategic work – and when done properly, it takes less work than you think.
“Is success in Amazon ads really possible?”
The answer is a resounding YES!
But success takes know-how and perseverance.
It means you experiment and learn, then earn disproportionate (i.e. scalable) results!
And once you get it right, your books sell all the time, whether you’re asleep or hanging out on the beach.
Success with Amazon PPC advertising is VERY possible and in fact, over the past four years, I’ve rapidly built my readership through targeted keywords. I increased my earnings by a thousandfold in less than three years.
$501,079 in the past 12 months!
And the best part?
My ads only require a few hours of research, and then they do all the work for me!
Sure, not every keyword will work out. But if you know how much your book is worth (most authors don’t), you’ll always make the right decision.
If you’re skeptical – welcome to the club.
If you were to ask me back in 2014 if selling a half million dollars in books per year was possible, I would have said NO WAY!
The Dan back then was afraid…
He wanted (better yet – he NEEDED) to sell his books. But he didn’t how to pull it off. Amazon Ads weren’t a thing yet, and once they hit the market, he didn’t know how to use them.
Can you relate?
I’ve always had a stable paycheck. I’ve always done the “right” thing and provided for my family.
But I was dying inside.
I needed a new advertising plan. To create an income and a life that wasn’t determined by my hours in the office or me doing work that I truly didn’t care about.
I wanted to entertain people, be creative, and enjoy what I did – and I wanted to taste what all those successful authors had tasted.
And by God’s grace (and a lot of trial and error) I figured it out.
Intelligent Amazon advertising leads to massive profits.
You just need to have a strategic plan and system in place. Otherwise you’ll waste your time and kill your chances of success.
And I’m not about to let that happen to you.
So I took five year’s worth of knowledge, success, pain, frustration, and experience and distilled it down into a repeatable system.
Introducing . . .

An end-to-end, tested, proven system that slowly but surely turns your keywords into money that pours into your bank account day and night, 24/7, whether you’re working or not.
Amazon Ads Liftoff will help you create:
Unlimited Income Potential
Your paycheck is no longer determined by someone else or based on how many years you’ve put in. Using these techniques, I added several thousand dollars in income per month.
Ultimate Time Flexibility
Write when, where, and how much you want – you make the schedule to fit your life, not the other way around.
Fulfilling And Meaningful Work
Wake up and do work that truly matters to you and go to bed satisfied knowing you entertained hundreds or even thousands of readers.
Amazon Ads Liftoff is an online course that gives you the tools and proven system you need to create a lasting (and automated) income doing work you love.
Over the course of 6 information packed and easy to follow modules, I’ll lay out for you my exact method for creating successful Amazon ads without skipping a single step.
Module 1 – Your Foundation
- Why AMS PPC ads are more powerful than Facebook and Bookbub ads
- See the explosive growth possible in your writing career
- Determine the TRUE WORTH of your book and how to simply calculate this number
- Calculate return on investment (ROI) for any keyword in record time
Module 2 – Amazon PPC Ad Choices
- The truth about which ad types perform best and which you should avoid
- How to mine for keyword gold and construct ads that will sell your books day and night
- A video demonstration of how to access different types of ads and which ones have statistically backed success
- Addition by Subtraction. Why negative keywords prevent Amazon from wasting your money on clicks that never convert
Module 3 – Keywords Unlimited
- I demystify the three choices for keyword targeting and explain the key differences
- Creative descriptions for your ads and why you might not want to employ them
- The number one way to bid on a keyword and why the other two choices aren’t optimized for book sales
Module 4 – Real-time PPC Ad Creation
- A deep dive into creating every ad type offered by Amazon
- What are Lockscreen ads? And should you ever use them?
- How to store keywords or use automatic targeting to create a brand new advertisement in a minute or less.
- Why you should test every ad type and never rely on gurus to tell you which to use
Module 5 – Profit from PPC Metrics
- What ACOS is, why it can mislead you, and how to use it properly
- How I earn up to $50k per month by knowing exactly what to bid on my keywords
- The truth about click-thru rate (CTR) and conversion rate (CVR)
- Why ignoring CTR could kill your ad before it gets rolling
BONUS Module – Advanced Analysis Blueprint
This proprietary bonus teaches you to use simple statistical websites to track how much your Amazon PPC ads are worth, and even how much your new books and backlist earn you.
I discovered this statistical hack through experimentation. I wanted to know how much marketing added to my bottom line, how advertisements affected organic sales, and even how much I could expect to make by publishing a new book. I’ll teach you:
- How I use regression analysis and statistical tracking to gauge a keyword’s true effectiveness
- Proof that advertising drives organic sales
- Do you write standalones? I’ll show you how to use statistical analysis to determine how much to bid on your ads
Employ these methods, and you’ll have a much clearer picture of your profitability. And you’ll have a huge advantage over your competition.
BONUS Module – Rapid Success Fast Track
Are you already experienced working with Amazon Ads?
I created this module because I want you to begin growing your author business on day 1.
If you aren’t ready for this module, no worries. Come back to it.
I’ll teach you:
- How I use automatic targeting and broad or phrase match to mine for keywords.
- How I track the exact keywords readers are using to purchase my books
- Why it’s so important to combine these keywords into an exact-match Amazon PPC advertisement and profit.
Think it will take a lot of your time? No way. You can automate the data gathering through Amazon.
BONUS Module – 7 Day Income Challenge
I tell authors how easy it is to add $100 (or even $1000) of monthly PROFIT using Amazon ads. But they don’t believe me.
Most people lack the patience and expertise to recognize an advertisement that is printing money.
And I’m just as guilty. I learned this lesson the hard way – by turning off numerous PROFITABLE ads because I didn’t think they were getting enough traffic.
But it doesn’t take a high number of orders to add significant profits to your bottom line.
You’ll learn:
- Why too many authors turn off their advertisements prematurely and kill their profits.
- How simple it is to use impressions, clicks, and order data to determine EXACTLY how many keywords you need to hit a new level of income.
- See how knowing how much your book is worth will your eyes to how well you advertisement is working.
- Why it takes only 7 days (or less) to greatly increase your monthly income.
Patience and know how will put you miles ahead of the competition. Learn how.
Boost Your Monthly Income in 7 days
It’s easy if you know what to do. I’ll teach you every step you need to take.
In 7 days, you’ll have a new PPC advertisement in place that will boost your income significantly. I’ll show you how simple it is to add $100 to your bottom line every month. But don’t stop there. The same techniques earn me several thousand per month!
You know what the crazy part is? Most writers know what to do but don’t have the patience to stick with the plan. Many don’t even recognize an effective ad because they have no idea how to measure their profitability.
I’ll teach you how and get you up and running fast.
Save Precious Time and Money
Don’t worry about Amazon advertising taking up your time. Once your ads are up and running, you’ll only give them a daily glance.
And the cost? Marketing through Amazon is cheaper and considerably more efficient than traditional advertising.
Here’s an example.
In the old days, you set up a table and sold your books at an event. If you were lucky, you sold 10 or 20 books per day. If you weren’t lucky, maybe you sold a book or two. Or none.
How much did the table cost to rent? How many miles did you drive, and did you pay for a night or two in an expensive hotel?
You probably spent 10 hours per day at this desk, or 20 hours over a weekend, dropped $400-$500 on the hotel room, and dealt with a lot of window shoppers. And we’re not even considering mileage costs.
When I advertise, I reach tens of thousands of potential readers every day. My books find new homes, even if I’m asleep or hanging out by the pool.
Look, you can reach your goals using the old ways. It will just take a lot longer and cost you tons more.
Or you can market like a champ and watch your writing career explode.
Amazon Ads Liftoff is for you if . . .
- You’re passionate about writing and bringing your stories to readers worldwide
- You’re tired of the 9-5 grind and want the flexibility and freedom that comes from owning an online writing business
- You’re tired of the scammy, get-rich-quick ads courses written by authors who never disclose how low their earnings truly are
- You’re willing to put in the work if it’s strategic and fits within your current life schedule
- You don’t want to sink thousands of dollars into advertising (or worse, go into debt) just to see it circle down the drain
Amazon Ads Liftoff is NOT for you if . . .
- You’re expecting a magic pill for making money. I can’t promise that.
- You expect results without putting in the effort. You have to be passionate about experimenting and willing to put in the time and follow the steps.
“How much time do I realistically need to put into Amazon advertising to achieve success?”
Not long at all. And the best part is the work is front-loaded. Once you have a list of keywords that sell your books, you can put an ad together in less than a minute.
The minimum amount of time you need to pull this off at the beginning is 3 hours a week. That works out to just 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week. You could do this by waking up 30 minutes early or going to bed 30 minutes later.
Some writers even squeeze in 30 minutes on their lunch breaks at work!
If you can do more than that – fantastic! But it’s not necessary to see results.
“How much financial investment will my advertising take?”
This is the great news about running Amazon PPC ads. YOU set your own daily or lifetime budget and sleep easy. In fact, you can get started with as little as $15!
You don’t need to raise your budget and increase your ad spend until you’re making a comfortable profit.
And by then, you’ll beg Amazon to take more of your money. On many ads, I make $150 for ever $100 I spend. That’s free money!
“I’m passionate about writing, but I just don’t know if my genre has enough readers”
Don’t worry about this. The people telling you to write in the hottest genres are trying to sell you their high-priced Amazon reader data.
Look, unless you’re writing polar bear apocalyptic horror involving heroic magpies, there is an audience for your book. (By the way, I would buy that book).
The reason most authors believe their genre is too small is they don’t know how to reach their ideal readers.
That is the entire purpose of Amazon Ads Liftoff for Authors – to help you discover who your ideal readers are and build an army of devoted fans that will buy all your books.
“Is it really possible to achieve success as a writer in this clouded marketplace? Or is it too late?”
This myth has caused countless authors to give up before they started.
True there are way more writers on Amazon today than there were ten years ago – but there will be more one year from now – and they will be doing well!
Using Amazon advertising, I built my audience in 2019, several years after other authors told me the marketplace was too crowed and I was late to the game.
But I built a system for advertising and achieved more success than I ever dreamed.
So why not you?! Don’t let fear hold you back from learning how to advertise on Amazon. There is unlimited potential to make a great living these days because there are more potential readers than ever before.
And this course will show you how to find them, entertain them, and sell to them!
Amazon Ads Liftoff isn’t based on gimmicks
Instead it is based on the core philosophy of paying a fair price to find your readers and grow your brand. It’s about entertaining people, owning your genre, and living life on your terms.
This is a no-nonsense program that reveals the truth about Amazon advertising. Some “gurus” claim authors can trick the Amazon algorithm. They want you to believe you can bid pennies and still win competitive bids if you set your budget ridiculously high. Others swear the secret to success is creating hundreds and hundreds of ads and overwhelming the system.
None of these techniques work. Never have, never will.
Now hopefully you’re starting to see how powerful Amazon Ads for Authors is!
From no idea to literally putting money in your pocket on auto-pilot, Amazon Ads Liftoff is the key that unlocks the door to unlimited profits.
Similar courses cost anywhere from $800 to $2000.
And because the information in Amazon Ads Liftoff is so powerful, I charge over $1,000 per month to teach these techniques to my clients one-on-one.
Because this is the Amazon PPC system that grew my profits by 1000x in less than 3 years!
But when I decided to package my system into a course that anyone could follow, at their own pace, I wanted to make it as accessible as possible.
So here’s what you’re getting with the Amazon Ads Liftoff program:
- The ground-breaking Amazon Ads Liftoff videos with over 4 hours of in-depth, step-by-step, easy to follow training. These are the same techniques that earn me five figures every month ($2500 value)
- BONUS: An advanced statistics bonus training module which shows you how to determine how much your advertisements add to your bottom line profit ($300 value)
- BONUS: My exclusive formula for determining the worth of your book ($100 value)
- BONUS: By popular demand, my quickstart shows you exactly how I manage my ads ($300 value)
- BONUS: Profit from patience. Most authors can’t believe how easy it is to add $100 or even $1000 of income per month ($250 value)
Total value for all of this amazing training = $3,450
If all this course did was . . .
If all this course did was give you an extra income stream of $500on the side EVERY MONTH, would it be worth it?
If all this course did was allow you to replace your current salary and spend every day doing what you love, wouldn’t it be worth it?
If this course taught you to sell enough books over the next 12 weeks to cover your cost, would it be worth it?
What if you surpassed my numbers (no reason you can’t) and increased your earnings by tens of thousands of dollars every month? Would a small one-time cost for the course be worth it?
Wouldn’t you pay $3450 if you had the potential to earn six figures over the next 12 months?
But today you get access to all of this for only one payment of $297
14-day No Risk Guarantee
The techniques I teach in this class took me from a break-even author to profiting over $350,000 annually. I know the lessons lead to success, because I was the original student.
But if Amazon Ads Liftoff isn’t for you, that’s cool.
I want you to be happy, so if you’re not, email me within two weeks of signing up for the class, and I’ll refund your money.
No argument.
Your success is my success. If this isn’t the course for you, I’d much rather you put your money into another class than feel as though you made a mistake.
How does that sound?
There are 2 types of people . . .
Some people dread what they do for a living (and don’t get paid nearly enough to do it).
Others take action, create value in the marketplace, and write stories that bring joy to others and increase their income every year.
Which is more appealing to you?
Right now many of us feel trapped and stuck where we are.
We don’t have the time or flexibility to do the things we want to and spend time with the people we care about.
We worry about our health, being at a desk job for years, and doing meaningless work for another 5-10 years.
What if we lose our job, end up broke, and have to start over again in our 30s, 40s, or 50s?
It doesn’t have to be this way!
If you master Amazon advertising and build your author business, you can start doing work YOU care about on YOUR terms and on YOUR schedule.
Imagine a year from today . . .
Imagine a year from today when your Amazon PPC ads are selling your books automatically and pouring money into your bank account while you spend the day having coffee with a friend, picking your kids up from school, or just going for a nature walk!
Imagine watching your monthly income increase from $2k, to $10k to even $30k a month – all without increasing your workload. In fact you’ll actually be able to write LESS as your advertisements keep your current books front and center on Amazon, the world’s largest book marketplace.
Think about what your writer friends will say when your books shoot up the charts and the money starts rolling in. Suddenly, your stock will rise, and everybody will want to know your secrets. Heck, you might wind up on a stage, teaching others with me in the crowd.
That’s the power of building your advertising mastery, and that’s what I teach in Amazon Ads Liftoff!
You can do this – I’m proof that it’s possible, and my lessons will coach you every step of the way!
Enroll in Amazon Ads Liftoff today and change your life.
Your Virtual Author Coach,
Dan Padavona

14-day No Risk Guarantee
If for whatever reason you’re not satisfied with Amazon Ads Liftoff, shoot me an email, and I’ll refund your money. No hassle.
I put my life and soul into this class, and I want my students to be happy and achieve success. Should you ever have a question, you can reach out to me.
I also don’t want you to pay for a class you don’t enjoy, so I give you a full two weeks to immerse yourself in the course materials before you decide.